Over Groene waterstof als energiedrager

Groene waterstof als energiedrager

Avondlezing door Ad van Wijk georganiseerd door de Haarlemse Chemische Kring. 

Tijdens de lezing wordt ingegaan op de rol van groene waterstof bij het faciliteren van de energie transitie, de noodzaak om deze optie te ontwikkelen om de Parijs-klimaatdoelstellingen te gaan halen, en om de economie sterker en groener te maken.
Daarnaast zal onze spreker ingaan op de verduurzaming van TATA Steel IJmuiden, waaronder het overschakelen van kolen naar waterstof, waar hij als lid van de werkgroep Zeester mede inhoud aan heeft gegeven.
Kortom, we zien uit naar een interessante en zeer actuele lezing.

Als samenvatting van zijn presentatie geeft Prof. Van Wijk aan dat van zijn website www.profadvanwijk.com diverse publicaties over dit onderwerp gratis gedownload kunnen worden.

Op deze website staat onder meer:

Curriculum vitae
CKZ-WijkAlbert Ad van Wijk is part-time Professor Future Energy Systems at TU Delft, the Netherlands. He is guest professor at KWR Water Research Institute to develop and implement the research program Energy and Water. He is special advisor to Hydrogen Europe, representing European industry, national associations and research centers to develop European hydrogen policies with the EU commission. And he  holds several advisory and supervisory board positions.
Van Wijk has studied physics and did his Ph-D on Wind Energy and Electricity Production at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. He worked as an Researcher and Associate Professor, between 1983 and 1997 in the Department of Science, Technology and Society at Utrecht University.
In 1984, van Wijk founded the company Ecofys, which eventually grew into Econcern. Econcern developed many new sustainable energy products, services and projects. Examples include the 120 MW offshore wind farm Princess Amalia in the North Sea, several multi-MW solar farms in Spain, a solar cell manufacturing plant Solland and a bio-methanol plant in the Netherlands.
Since 2011 van Wijk is appointed as professor Future Energy Systems at TU Delft. His research focus on the energy systems of the future. Especially he will do research on hydrogen energy systems and fuel cell cars and has realized ‘’the Green Village’’ at the TU Delft campus.
Van Wijk achieved many important prizes for excellent entrepreneurship. Amongst others he was Dutch entrepreneur of the year in 2007 and Dutch top-executive in 2008. Van Wijk was honored by KWR, by appointing him Honorary Fellow in 2018.
Van Wijk has published many books, scientific articles and reports that can be downloaded from his website www.profadvanwijk.com Hydrogen related books and articles are depicted below.
Follow Ad van Wijk at twitter @advanwijk or via his website.

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